Natural Remedy for Controlling your Blood Sugar

Controlling blood sugar is vitally important for long-term health and vitality. We see a large number of clients that suffer from some sort of blood sugar imbalance, including metabolic syndrome, Type II Diabetes and Type 1 Diabetes. Every person’s underlying reasons for imbalance are different; however, many of our clients have found the following protocol very helpful in managing their blood sugar.

NOTE: it is very likely your fasting blood sugar will decrease using this protocol; be sure and check your blood sugar regularly and talk with your doctor if you are taking any medications so they can be adjusted accordingly.

Glycemic Foundation – take 1 scoop 1-2 times daily; available in Chocolate or Vanilla

Orthomega – take 2 softgels 2-3 times daily with food

If your fasting glucose is between 100-110 ng/dl and/or your triglycerides are between 150-175 add:

MetaGlycemX – 2 tablets twice daily for 4-6 weeks, then 1 tablet twice daily ongoing

If your fasting glucose is greater than 110 ng/dl and/or your triglycerides are greater than 175 add:

Insinase – 1 tablet three times daily with meals (note, those people taking anticoagulants, such as Coumadin or Warfarin should avoid taking Insinase)

If you have Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes, add:

Fenugreek Plus – 2-4 tablets daily at the beginning of the morning and evening meals

To order the products listed above or if you have questions, please contact us.

If additional support is needed, please give us a call and set up a quick phone consultation so that we can gather some more information and make the appropriate recommendations to help you reach your goals.