About the Staff

Chad Oler, ND

“Dr. Chad” has been studying natural health and healing for most of his life with extensive experience researching and consulting on applying naturopathic techniques in clinical practice, nutrition and exercise. He is recognized by the American Naturopathic Medical Association, is a supporting member of the Wisconsin Naturopathic Doctors Association and has been in naturopathic practice since January 2000. He co-founded the Natural Path Health Center in Madison, WI, in December 2000.

Dr. Chad has studied, lectured and taught throughout the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Peru and southern Africa. He is very active in teaching natural healing techniques and has given presentations to thousands of laypersons as well as over 10,000 doctors worldwide. He was also a faculty member at the University of Natural Medicine for many years where he taught both students and health care practitioners the value of alternative testing techniques in the healing process.

In addition to general naturopathic care, Dr. Chad has extensive training and certificates in Nutrition, Botanical Medicine, Shamanic Medicine, Reiki, Personal Training, Urine & Saliva Analysis (Reams & Biological Terrain Assessment), Darkfield (Enderlein and Morphologic Hematology) Microscopy, Holistic Iridology, Color Therapy, Homeopathy, Homotoxicology, & Naturopathic Manipulations. He is also active in the sports community, competing in triathlon and ice hockey, and training elite level athletes to insure optimal performance and recovery.

Dr. Oler was born in Madison, Wisconsin, and graduated from Stoughton High School in 1989. He received his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering with a certificate in Technical Communications from the University of Wisconsin – Madison, and worked in Research & Development for four years where he received multiple patents and awards for his pioneering work. He returned to pursue his Doctorate in Naturopathy from the University of Natural Medicine in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he graduated Summa Cum Laude in January 2001. Learn more about Dr. Oler’s past experience, lectures and writings here.

Dr. Oler’s goal is to raise public awareness about natural healing methods and teach everyone how they can use these methods to dramatically improve their health. He looks forward to embodying his mission and helping his clients continue along their natural path to optimal health and longevity.


Laura Jaggi

Hello! My name is Laura Jaggi. As a Wisconsin native, I have a fond appreciation for our fabulous four seasons (albeit some years the winter overstays its welcome). Nature calls and I head outdoors to walk, hike, bike, garden, and just hang out with my family and friends. As a curious traveler, having been to all 50 states, I love exploring national parks, state capitals, the arts, the food scene, and mixing with the local crowds.

My other love and life’s journey is natural health and wellness, a whole-lifestyle approach and interconnected of mind, body, and spirit. I have the privilege and pleasure to work at Natural Path Health Center with Dr. Chad as the Office Manager. The path to health and wellness is unique and different to everyone, and I endeavor to provide compassionate service and support for each of our clients on his/her journey. To share an inspirational quote from Hippocrates, “The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.”