For many women, perimenopause is accompanied by varying degrees of unpleasant symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, sleep disturbances, dry skin, dry eyes, vaginal dryness, irregular menses, migraines and a whole host of others. These symptoms are due to the extreme variability in hormone levels as the ovaries begin to shut down, signaling the end of the child-bearing years. This should be a time for celebration, as the mind and body prepare for a new phase of life. However, women experiencing one or more of the symptoms above often feel like they have little to be grateful for. Luckily, many of the ups and downs that are typical during this phase of life can be moderated through proper nutrition.

In fact, what you eat can play a huge role in helping you rebalance your hormones naturally while minimizing the symptoms associated with perimenopause. These dietary guidelines are a natural and easy way to improve perimenopause symptoms.

  • Eat soy foods, buckwheat, citrus fruit rind and pulp (not the juice) and ground flax meal in shakes and cereals. They are high in phytoestrogens and will help improve estrogen metabolism and modulate estrogen receptors.
  • Avoid potato chips, caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, sugar, soft drinks, fruit juices, fried or fatty foods, and salt, all of which slow down estrogen metabolism and elimination from your body.
  • Eat a low-fat, high-fiber diet to help your intestines eliminate estrogens so they are not reabsorbed into your body. Include plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes (beans, peas).
  • Reduce or eliminate red meats because they can elevate estrogen levels. This can also cause menstrual cramps and worsen the inflammation of endometriosis.
  • Eat fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, and tuna, which are high in beneficial omega-3 fatty acids that reduce the pain of menstrual cramps, improve hot flashes and night sweats, improve sleep and eliminate dry skin, eyes and vaginal dryness. You can also use flax and flaxseed oil regularly.
  • Avoid dairy products, as they have a negative effect on reproductive health similar to that of red meat. Use soy or rice substitutes, including soy and rice milk, cream cheese, sour cream, and soy yogurt.

Many women find that having a more detailed menu plan works better for them. If you are one of these women, contact us for the Hormone Balancing Diet. It will provide you detailed recipes and menus to help rebalance your hormone levels naturally allowing you to reduce and even eliminate many of the symptoms associated with perimenopause.