If you have symptoms of depression, anxiety, migraines, insomnia, OCD, ADD/ADHD, trichotillomania, compulsivity, food cravings/binges, drug or alcohol addiction, memory or concentration issues, Parkinson’s disease or restless leg syndrome, you have a neurotransmitter imbalance. This means that serotonin (the main inhibitory neurotransmitter) and dopamine (the main excitatory neurotransmitter) are out of balance with one another, which causes you to experience one or more of the symptoms above.
One of the products we use to help bring those neurotransmitter levels back into proper balance is called NeuroReplete. NeuroReplete was developed by Martin Hinz, MD, and is sold exclusively through CHK Nutrition to licensed health care professionals. It provides the amino acids 5-HTP and L-tyrosine along with the necessary co-factors (vitamins, minerals and amino-acids) to give the body everything it needs to make serotonin and dopamine in a balanced fashion. This is extremely important, as research has shown that administering only 5-HTP or L-tyrosine will lead to depletion of neurotransmitters, creating further imbalances.
Providing only 5-HTP will increase the amount of serotonin in the brain. In response to this, the body increases the amount of enzymes to break down some serotonin to maintain balance. However, these enzymes also breakdown dopamine, which is the main excitatory neurotransmitter that needs to be kept in balance with serotonin in order to keep everything working well. Because no dopamine precursor was given (i.e., L-tyrosine), relatively more dopamine than serotonin is broken down, so the imbalance between them becomes greater. This often leads to additional issues over time.
It works something like this: let’s say I have two bank accounts, both with $100 in them. I put $1,000,000 in one of them (which is like taking just 5-HTP), but leave the other one where it is. Now let’s say I take $90 out of both accounts (which is equivalent to the enzymes breaking down serotonin and dopamine non-selectively). The account with $1,000,000 isn’t affect much, but the account with only $100 in it is affected a great deal. Moreover, the imbalance between the two accounts has also gotten a lot more lopsided. This is similar to what happens if one takes only 5-HTP with no l-tyrosine (or vice versa, taking only l-tyrosine and no 5-HTP) – it can create greater imbalances over time and really deplete the competing system.
The bottom line is that net effect of giving improperly balanced amino acids is neurotransmitter depletion and further neurotransmitter imbalance. Even though some people may initially see some positive results due to the increase in either serotonin (if 5-HTP is given) or dopamine (if L-tyrosine is given), they will eventually develop other symptoms as the two systems become imbalanced. Creating more problems is definitely not going to help you over the long haul.
NeuroReplete contains the precise amounts of 5-HTP and L-tyrosine to assist the body in achieving proper neurotransmitter balance. For many people, NeuroReplete provides all the building blocks their bodies need to achieve a complete resolution of symptoms. Even for those that do not achieve a complete resolution of symptoms with NeuroReplete alone, taking it establishes the foundation necessary to attain proper neurotransmitter balance in the future.
Hello – I have been searching for a balanced amino supplement for my daughter that has many of the symptoms for an amino imbalance.
Hi Alison,
NeuroReplete may be the product you are looking for. However, everybody’s amino acid needs are unique and we often have to customize a mix of products to get each person the exact balance that their body requires. I suggest that you give us a call to set up a brief initial phone consultation (it’s just $60) so I can collect some more information to make sure we are getting your daughter exactly what she needs. Our number is 866-888-6721; I look forward to hearing from you –
Dr. Chad
hello, I suffer from trichotillomania and I’d like to purchase “NeuroReplete”, (I live in Italy)
Hi Elena,
Thank you for your inquiry. We can certainly get you what you need. Here are the steps you need to follow:
1) Go to http://naturalsolutionsforahealthyyou.com/memberships/ and sign up for one of our Memberships (the Basic Membership is free)
2) Then go to http://naturalsolutionsforahealthyyou.com/memberships/chk-membership/ and complete the form
Once we have processed your information, we will send you an email with instructions on how to order the products online.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Dr. Chad
i always take 5-htp for my depression and it is a good alternative to common anti-depressants.
Hi Justine,
This is a very common approach one that is often used for depression. However, research has now shown that this is not the best long term solution because it will eventually cause depletion of the catecholamines (i.e., dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine) over time. This occurs for several reasons. First, 5-HTP and L-tyrosine (and L-dopa) both use and compete with each other for the same enzyme to make them into their respective neurotransmitters (serotonin and dopamine). Providing only 5-HTP monopolizes the enzyme and leads to less production of dopamine over time.
Second, serotonin and the catecholamines are metabolized (destroyed) by the same enzyme (called monoamine oxidase). If only 5-HTP is given, serotonin levels increase at the expense of dopamine. However, this increased production of serotonin also causes an increase in metabolism by upregulating monoamine oxidase. This causes greater destruction of both serotonin and the catecholamines.
Therefore, taking 5-HTP without proper amounts of L-tyrosine (or L-dopa) can cause depletion of the catecholamines, which can lead to a host of other symptoms.
The solution is to make sure your neurotransmitter levels achieve proper balance. We start by using a product like NeuroReplete which has a properly balanced amount of 5-HTP and L-tyrosine, along with the necessary cofactors to make those amino acids into their respective neurotransmitters. From there, we can use specific testing (called monoamine transporter optimization testing) to determine individual needs if symptoms are not brought under control.
If all of this is just too much science, just know that it’s important to keep things balanced to achieve consistent, long-term results.
Dr. Chad
Thank you for providing an educationally excellent website regarding the Neuro Replet product I have been put on. I am taking 2 NeuroRepletes in the morning, and 2 in the evening accompanies by 2 CysReplets morning and evening also. I am not experiencing any change in my random depression, mid-night anxiety and insomnia, after 4 weeks. Having left for a trip I accidentaly forgot my products and was without them for 6 days – no difference, better or worse. Does it take time for them to build and work, is there a problem stopping them, is this how they were designed to be taken? Thank you for any help.
Hi Carol,
These are all great questions. Generally, it takes 5-7 days for your neurotransmitter levels to rebalance at a given amino acid dosage (assuming you don’t miss any doses). After 7 days, if you are still not experiencing any relief of symptoms, your health care provider will either (a) order appropriate testing or (b) modify your dosing recommendations.
If you do not have a health care provider that is well versed in amino acid therapy please give us a call so we can get you on the right track. Your provider can also obtain further training through NeuroResearch: http://www.neurosupport.com/.
Dr. Chad
Can I use neuroreplete with an antidepressant? Thanks.
Hi Leslie,
Great question! Yes you can; in fact, taking the amino acids will improve the action of the antidepressant because it will provide more neurotransmitter for the antidepressant to work with. Here’s a link for more information: http://amino-acid-therapy.com/properly-balanced-amino-acid-therapy/
Be sure to work with a health care provider that is trained in amino acid therapy to help optimize your dosing; if you don’t have a provide trained in amino acid therapy, please contact us: https://naturalpathhealthcenter.com/contact-us/.
Dr. Chad
Hi Dr. Chad,
I am confused about your comment that it is even better to take the neurotransmitters with an SSRI. Couldn’t this lead to too much serotonin and cause the syndrome assoc with serotonin overdose? 5HTP coverting to serotonin….
Thank you,
Sorry for the confusion Sarah – what I was saying is that we can use amino acid therapy along with SSRI and other medications that work with amino acids. Serotonin syndrome is an often talked about but rarely seen occurrence; in fact, to my knowledge, there are no reported occurrences of serotonin syndrome with the concurrent use of 5-HTP and reuptake inhibitors in the literature.
To learn more about this approach and why it’s important, I suggest reading this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3237392/ –
I hope this helps –
Dr. Chad
My grandson had OCD bad and was pretty stressed and we gave him Neurorepleat (2) twice a day and 1 methamaine and panathanic as needed and he no longer has the OCD and is fine. It was wonderful and I loved that we didn’t have to do drugs.
Hi Julie,
Thanks for sharing! We too have found amino acid therapy to be very effective at helping improve symptoms associated with OCD, including obsessive thoughts, compulsive behaviors, anxiety, social withdrawal and sleep disturbances.
I’m glad you had such great success with your grandson! I’m curious – how did you find the optimal amino acid dosing for him?
Dr. Chad
Hello- I have been taking NeuroReplete and CsyReplete to help with the withdrawal affects of Paxil. I would not have been able to deal with the terrible withdrawal symptoms without it. It has been about six weeks now. I feel now that I may be over using the treatment, in that I feel a bit off. Is it possible to get out of balance at this stage? Can I just stop or do I need to do something else.
HI Sharon,
Great question – it is possible that you are not taking the exact right amino acid dosing and that can make you feel ‘a bit off’. The best course of action would be to complete a DBS test (organic cation transporter assay interpretation) and use the results to help you optimize your amino acid dosing. If your current provider doesn’t run these tests or is not comfortable interpreting them, just give us a call; we’d be happy to help.
Good luck!
Dr. Chad
I was curious to know what happens once you stop taking this medication- will your body revert back to its baseline/ normal levels? Thanks so much!
Hi Shane,
Thanks for putting this one out there – we get asked this a lot. The answer isn’t as straightforward as most people would like; the reason is that it is impossible to know who has neurotoxicity and who doesn’t before initiating amino acid therapy (just as a side note for clarity, amino acids are nutritional supplements, not medications). If neurotoxicity is not present, we have found that most people taking amino acids at the proper dose for 6-9 months can reduce/eliminate the supplements with no return of symptoms.
However, if neurotoxicity is present, some amount of amino acids will be needed ongoing to properly control symptoms. However, often times this amount is substantially less than the amount needed to initially get symptoms under control.
If you’d like to learn more about why neurotoxicity has this effect, please visit http://amino-acid-therapy.com/.
Thanks for the question!
Dr. Chad
I have been taking neurocomplete and Cysreplete one week today. I just increased them to the recommended dose of 4 in the morning and 4 at night two days ago. I don’t feel any relief yet from the depression. How long should I expect till I need to go to the next level. The good news is that I have not taken Ativan in 5 days so I think thats a good sign. I know I have to be patient, but I have been struggling with this depression for the past 4 months. Thank you!
Hi Carli,
Thanks for your question. Your neurotransmitter levels will level out within 5-7 days of a dosing change assuming you haven’t missed any doses of amino acids.
At that time, if you still don’t feel any relief of symptoms, you need to work with your provider to determine the best next steps. These will usually include further testing and/or alteration of your amino acid dosing.
If you are not currently working with a provider, please contact us so we can help you determine what to do next.
Good luck!
Dr. Chad
I’m interested in the neurocomplete and cysreplete supplements to help with my long term depression and social anxiety. However, I don’t have a physician in my area specializing in amino acid therapy. Can I purchase the products directly from your site and take the recommended amount or do you suggest I go through testing from your center? If so, what would be the cost for evaluation and testing?
Hi Valerie,
Thanks for contacting us. To get started, please give us a call (toll free at 866-888-6721) and set up an initial phone consultation; the cost is just $60 and it will take 20-30 minutes. At that visit, we will review your health history and goals and I will make some recommendations to get you started. You will then be able to order the products from us online or via email/phone.
I look forward to speaking with you!
Dr. Chad
I have been on antidepressants for 11years and take some anti-anxiety meds when needed. It cycles on and off and sometime I have no idea why. other times it seems related to constant pain, hypoglycemia, doing to much, stress, etc. But that doesn’t seem normal. I have been treated for chronic fatigue, lyme disease, pain from 6 herniations, and I do have hypoglycemia and Hashimoto’s disease. The anxiety seems worse than depression at times and I suffered from major panic in the beginning. I have been able to get thru all of it by the grace of God and family but I think others are getting growing tired of me and I am too. Am I making this happen or is there some emotional trauma I have not uncovered yet? It was 10 times worse during perimenopause but I still get it even using natual hormone replacement since beginning menopause. Do you think this can help me? I have a friend who just started 2 days ago. I am at the point where I will try anything. thanks.
Hi Terri,
Thanks for sharing. From your brief description, there are most likely multiple possible underlying imbalances contributing to the way you feel. Neurotransmitter imbalance is probably one of them, so targeted amino acid therapy could be a big help. Once your neurotransmitter function is optimized, we can see what, if anything is left to address.
Please give us a call and set up an initial phone consultation at your earliest convenience – I look forward to speaking with you!
Dr. Chad
I’m looking for a dr in St. Cloud so I bought all these and they 80-98% pure but in higher doses then recommended can I take them for now until I find someone who sells the right amounts!
Hi Dara,
I’m not sure I understand your question, but I’ll take a shot at what I think you are asking. First, you may want to go to this link to see if there is a provider in your area: http://www.neurosciencemyths.com/Find_a_caregiver.htm. If not, you can give our office a call and we can get something set up for you.
Second, unfortunately I can’t recommend you take or not take any product without knowing more about you, your situation and the products. I generally suggest that you don’t take any amino acid products unless you are under the care of a provider trained in their use so as to avoid causing any further neurotransmitter disruption/imbalance.
I hope that helps! If we can be of further service, please give us a call and set up an initial phone consultation.
Have a terrific afternoon –
Dr. Chad
Have you ever known anyone to be healed of hearing loss using this amino acid therapy?
Hi Chante,
This is a new one for me; I haven’t personally worked with anyone that has reported improved hearing after using amino acid therapy, nor am I aware of any literature or case studies that would support this.
If the hearing loss was due to neurological dysfunction or methylation collapse, it is theoretically possible that amino acid therapy may help; however, if the hearing loss is due to a physical abnormality, it is unlikely that amino acid therapy would have any beneficial effect.
The list of disorders that are improved by proper neurotransmitter function is extremely long and growing; just because it hasn’t been looked at doesn’t mean it isn’t possible.
Let me know if you’d like to give it a try!
Dr. Chad
My son 23 has Autism. About a year ago he was put on anti-psychotic
drugs. He is still on Proloxin & Depakote. He hasn’t improved on any
of the anti-psychotics. He has anxiety, anger issues and depression.
Could Neuroreplete help him? The anti-psychotics reduce dopamine
Hi Steve,
Thanks for contacting us. From the information you provided, it is likely that improving your son’s neurotransmitter function will improve his symptoms. Neuroreplete may or may not be all that he needs, but it is the right place to start. If you are not currently working with a health care provider that is trained in the use of amino acid therapy, please give us a call and set up an initial phone consultation so that we can get you started down the right path.
I look forward to speaking with you –
Dr. Chad
Hello- my husband has been dealing with depression/anxiety for about 2 months now. He has always taken a more natural approach to his care. He started the neurotransmitter therapy this week, he has had some relief but still has lots of anxiety. He wants to be patient but is getting frustrated and just wants to feel better. He has talked about seeing a doctor to maybe give him something to help in the meantime. Some people have suggested Zoloft. I just wanted to see if a depression/anxiety medicines are ok to take while on this therapy to get some immediate relief. Thank you
Hi Brandi,
I am assuming your husband is under the care of a provider trained in the use of amino acid therapy; if he is not, he needs to be to optimize his care. If there is not a provider in your area, give us a call so we can make sure he is progressing as quickly as possible.
As for taking the amino acids with SSRI medications; they can be (and often are) used safely together as long as he is taking the amino acids in a balanced manner. You can learn more about this topic here: http://amino-acid-therapy.com/properly-balanced-amino-acid-therapy/.
With proper guidance, most people will see a complete resolution of symptoms within 1-8 weeks, so encourage your husband to persist; using amino acid therapy is the only known way to proper address the underlying neurotransmitter imbalance(s) that can lead to many disorders, including depression.
Good luck!
Dr. Chad
Thank you yes he is seeing a trained provider. He just needs some immediate relief. Thanks again
I was on Effexor for 20 years and decided to taper off. I was in Minnesota at the time and found a doctor that prescribed Neuroreplete and Cysreplete. Now I am in Florida and don’t currently have health insurance or a doctor. I ran out of Neuroreplete and have been taking NOW brand L-Tyrosine 1500 mg and Natrol 5HTTP in addition to other products. I don’t think the things I’m taking are working as well as the Neuroreplete (no surprise) and I want to know how I can order some without finding another doctor. There aren’t any in the area.
Hi Timothy,
Thanks for contacting us. You have a couple options: 1) go to this page and complete the form: http://naturalsolutionsforahealthyyou.com/memberships/chk-membership/; we will get back to you ASAP. Alternatively, please give us a call and set up an initial phone consultation so we can determine your best next steps.
I look forward to hearing from you –
Dr. Chad
Hello, I was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and have started treatment for that. The main reason I started to see the doctor was due to depression, mood imbalance, low libido ect. I just started the Neuroreplete and understand that it helps with depression and mood disorders but does it help with sexual function and low libido? Will the Neuroreplete aid in rebuilding damage that was obtained thru years of untreated diabetes?
Hi Carl,
Great questions! We have found that libido can be significantly increased by optimizing neurotransmitter function. It usually takes several tests and amino acid adjustments to achieve optimal neurotransmitter function, so working with a provider skilled in the use of amino acid therapy is the key to success. Optimizing neurotransmitter levels can also help immensely with depression and mood disorders.
As for rebuilding the damage due to untreated diabetes, the data on that is much less clear. Even though amino acid therapy may not be as useful in this regard, there are a number of natural management strategies that can be employed to help stop the progression and possibly reverse this damage. If your provider is not familiar with natural healing methods or is not trained in the proper use of amino acid therapy, please give us a call – we’d be happy to help.
Good luck!
Dr. Chad
I take klonopin and lexapro for general anxiety disorder and depression. I get alot of lightheadedness and parathesia will neuroreplete help me?
Hi Barb,
It would be difficult to know if if amino acid therapy would help with these symptoms without learning more about your case/history. I suggest you first speak with your prescribing doctor, as these symptoms are common effects of the medications you listed. If they are due to amino acid and/or neurotransmitter imbalances induced by the medications, then it is possible that some combination of amino acids (like those in NeuroReplete) may help.
If you’d like to discuss this further, please don’t hesitate to contact us and set up an initial consultation.
Dr Chad
I am interested in Neuroreplete – had a few questions:
According to Hinz’s literature the sulphur amino acids need to be working for proper methylation and is a important part of the therapy. He recommends Cysteine to boost the Sulphur Aminos because its the least costly. However my understanding based on research is that cysteine unbonded becomes oxidized quickly and doesnt raise the sulphur amino acids needed for GSH metabolism and causes more harm then good. Can you shed light on this issue?
Also, are there any studies or evidence that confirm that this approach works?
Hi Mark,
Thanks for the comment/questions. I am unfamiliar with the research that you cited above; please send that to me.
On the flip side, there is quite a body of literature that supports using l-cysteine (as well as the other methyl-donors in the homocysteine cycle) to raise intracellular glutathione levels – do a quick search on pubmed and you should find the studies you are looking for.
As for studies on amino acid therapy; there is a great deal of clinical evidence that this approach works. If you are asking for larger, controlled studies, I have only seen a few, including work with ADHD; here is one paper: http://www.neurosupport.com/07_ADHD_Final.pdf.
It sounds like you are well versed in this subject matter and have probably already been to several sites, but here are a few that may provide the references and documentation you are looking for: http://www.amino-acid-therapy.com and http://www.neurosciencemyths.com.
Good luck!
Dr. Chad
My 10 year old son has been diagnosed with ADHD and Oppositional Defiance Disorder. He also had some major digestion problems, accompanied by anxiety and depression. Last September we went to a naturalist doc who put him on a rotation diet that eliminated gluten, dairy, and all his other food intolerances. After 3 months, we were able to add back almost all of the foods he reacted to, but he is still off of gluten. In January, our doc started him on Neuroreplete – 2 pills 3x / day. We have seen some improvement, but then plenty of days where we feel like we are back at ground zero. Should he be taking CysReplete also? We are considering starting him on a low-dose of Serax (anti-anxiety med)… would this be ok with Neuroreplete? Anything else you would suggest?
Hi Karen,
Thanks for emailing me about your son. Unfortunately, without seeing your son or knowing more about his health history, I cannot comment on other things that may be of use to him. However, I can tell you that having a sulfur/methyl donor is very important in amino acid therapy and it would generally be advised to use CysReplete whenever working with amino acid therapy, so I would encourage you to speak with your doctor about getting him started on this asap. Interestingly, we are working with another boy (12 yo) with the same diagnoses; his symptoms have almost complete resolved, but it required a number of tests to get his amino acid dosing optimized.
Generally, you can make changes in amino acids every 7-10 days with proper guidance and testing; if your current doctor isn’t very familiar with how to properly manage neurotransmitter imbalances with amino acid therapy, this can prolong your son’s healing process. If this is the case, please give us a call and set up an initial phone consultation with us so we can get you on the right track.
Good luck! If and when the time comes, I will look forward to speaking with you –
Dr. Chad
Im losing my hair due to morphine I’ve been on for 5yrs . I need to come off & need a high protein low carbohydrate with vitamins aminoacids & minerals to supplementmy detox. How much is your product? I need 2 loseweight too, so i need a low carbohydrate & liw super product.
Hi Mary,
Thanks for contacting us. From your brief description, it sounds like you may have several possible underlying imbalances that need to be properly addressed. To determine your best course of action would like require some additional testing to determine your exact needs; we can certainly help you determine what to do. Please contact us (https://naturalpathhealthcenter.com/contact-us/) and set up a brief initial consultations (it’s just $60) so we can get you headed down the right path.
I look forward to speaking with you –
Dr. Chad
I have a doctor who sells your products, but I can’t afford them. I know supplements bought in health food stores won’t be as potent, but I want to do something rather than nothing. Do you have any advice or can you tell me the correct amounts I would need to find in other cheaper products?
Also, can you please tell me the Other ingredients in Neuroreplete? I can’t find ingredients online and I’m highly allergic to cellulose.
Hi Roberta,
Thanks for your inquiry; these products are expensive, but they are also tested/verified. That is the hardest part about trying to piece together comparable products – quality, especially for 5-HTP. Most of the people we have worked with find that trying to piece together comparable products costs almost as much as the CHK products and involves taking a lot more pills. If you are allergic to cellulose, you may need to work with a compounding pharmacy, as almost all capsules and most tablets will contain cellulose.
You can find the ingredients on our website; please let me know if we can be of any further service!
Dr. Chad
As long as the cellulose is only in the capsule, I can open the capsule and pour the powder into juice or something. Can you tell me the ingredients in both Neuroreplete and Cysreplete? Thanks!
My husband is suffering severe depression, he has mentioned suicide, he is disengaged, unable to cope with life, and it’s destroying our marriage and our life as a family. I am desperate to find something to help him. Please advise.
Hi Meagan,
Thank you for your inquiry and for reaching out. Since your husband has mentioned suicide, please seek immediate medical and mental health assistance. If your husband is able to take capsules and you think he can do so consistently, it is likely that amino acid therapy can help him. To learn more, please visit http://www.naturalsolutionsfordepression.com and http://www.amino-acid-therapy.com. When you/he are ready to get started, please give us a call and set up an initial phone consultation (it’s just $60) at your earliest convenience.
Good luck – I look forward to speaking with you –
Dr. Chad
Dr. Chad can you tell me if a person has low dopamine, serotonin and GABA would you recommend Neuroreplete? Also, can you tell me what sypmtoms you recommend cysreplete for?
Hi Kristin,
Unfortunately, this isn’t as easy of a question to answer as you might expect. In order to properly address issues related to neurotransmitter imbalance/dysfunction, we are first and foremost concerned with the function of gates in the tissues called the Organic Cation Transporters Type 2 (OCTN-2); this doesn’t exactly correspond to low or high levels of any given neurotransmitter, so what is needed is a challenge test of some sort (depending upon your symptoms/situation/health history) followed by testing to determine how those gates are working. Then we can make more specific recommendations on how to properly reestablish neurotransmitter function. To learn more, please visit http://amino-acid-therapy.com/oct-assay-interpretation/. When you are ready to get started, please give us a call and set up an initial consultation.
I look forward to speaking with you –
Dr. Chad
Hi, I have a couple of questions. First, I have suffered from intermittent depression my whole life along with an eating disorder, PMS etc. My dad has also suffered from depression for as long as I can remember and is currently on an antidepressant (I’m not sure which one). I recently noticed that he is developing a tremor, which isn’t surprising since my grandmother had Parkinson’s before she passed away. Anyway, it seems obvious that we have imbalances in the family! Interestingly, I recently cut out all grains from my diet and have been feeling remarkably better. Is that simply due to my gut healing? I know that serotonin is produced in substantial amounts in the gut. So, to get to my questions. My brother has a fairly severe form of myasthenia gravis. Do you know if amino acid therapy would be helpful for him? Also, I see the beginnings of these symptoms in my 9 year old daughter. I would like to prevent it from getting worse, but I’m hesitant because she is so young. Do you have any recommendations?
Hi Melisa,
It certainly sounds like there is a genetic component regarding neurotransmitter imbalance; however, we have found that these can be overcome in most cases with properly balanced amino acid therapy. I have not seen or heard of myasthenia gravis being addressed with amino acid therapy, but we use it routinely for depression, eating disorders, hormone imbalances, Parkinson’s disease/essential tremor and GI health. We have used amino acid therapy with many pediatric clients, ranging in age from 5 to 17 years old. I would suggest giving us a call and scheduling an initial consultation so we can further discuss your and/or your daughter’s health history so we can determine the best course of action.
I look forward to speaking with you –
Dr. Chad
I suffer from general anixety/panic attacks. I hate the side effects of SSRIs but have learned to manage quite nicely with 5-htp and St. John’s wart. I see here I should look at balancing the other neurotransmitters. I also suffer from migraines. My biggest concern now is the nasal congestion I suffer from. I am convinced it is related somehow. Often my migraines are more congestion than pain. I had ct scan, turbate reduction and allergy testing but nothing solves it. What do you suggest? Thanks!
Hi Stef,
It sounds like you have multiple issues resulting from neurotransmitter imbalance (anxiety/panic attacks and migraines). The first thing to do would be to get your neurotransmitter function optimized; this should eliminate the anxiety/panic attacks and the migraines and avoid further imbalance/depletion caused by taking only supplements/medications that are working only on serotonin. At that point, if you are still having issues with the feeling of nasal congestion, we could address it a number of ways. Please give us a call to get started – I’d be happy to assist you.
Dr. Chad
Hi Dr Chad.
Taking Neuroreplete means taking both aminos at the same time, but is it also ok to take tyrosine in the morning and 5 HTP in the evening?
Thanks a lot.
Hi Hugo,
Most people benefit from taking the amino acids at the same time so as to not upset the balance between the amino acids. In very rare cases (we’ve seen 3) we’ve had to split up when the various amino acids are taken in order to achieve optimized response and tolerance.
Hope that helps –
Dr. Chad
My mom is 88 years old and being diagnosed with dementia.
She is under care of a neurologist in NYC who prescribed
Her both, neuro replete and sys replete.
It is second week now and dr doubled the dosage: 4 neuroreplete
In the morning and at night and 3 sys replete
Twice a day.
My mom complained she feels worth: very weak.
I am concerned: could it be that this supplement can couse that?
And also, can they be helpful in helping with dementia?
Thank you,
Hi Bella,
Sorry for my deliquent reply; we have been expereiencing some website issues and I just now was notified of your inquiry.
Any number of issues can be due to improper neurotransmitter balance, including weakness. I would suggest you speak with your neurologist so that they can help get her neurotransmitter levels altered ASAP. We have found amino acid therapy to be very effective in some cases of dementia. Here is some more information about the clinical use of amino acid therapy: http://www.amino-acid-therapy.com.
Good luck!!
Dr. Chad
Hi Dr. Chad,
Been working with a neurologist and he has me on 4 neuroreplete 2x a day, 3 cystreplete 2x a day, repleteextra 4 1 time a day and 2 mucunad5. He first had me on more mucuna than neuroreplete and been suffering with anxiety for 14 years, disorientation, lightheaded ness/ vertigo, heavy head and eyes, brain fog, loss of concentration, and extreme fatigue. Been on this doage for 2 weeks and maybe helped anxiety very little. Still having lightheadeded issues and dizziness and have been working with him for 2 1.2 months. Does núeroreplete or dopamine help anxiety issues, and other issues or is that dopamine issues? I have no motivation or energy. I’ll be moving out of state soon and want to continue this therapy but I’m getting discouraged.
Hi Liz,
Thanks for contacting us. Amino acid therapy are often very helpful to address the underlying neurotransmitter imbalances that can cause anxiety. It isn’t usually quite as straightforward as a “dopamine issue” or a “serotonin issue” as the balance between them is also very important. It can take 3-9 months to get balanced if testing is used correctly. If you cannot find a provider in the area to which you are moving to help you, please don’t hesitate to contact us – I’d be happy to assist in any way that I can.
Keep at it – we have see profound changes with anxiety using amino acid therapy!!
Dr. Chad
Here is a link you can use to find out more information: http://www.amino-acid-therapy.com
Dr. Chad
Hello,my 15 year old daughter suffers from severe OCD and takes 25 MG zoloft at night, it helps her sleep. Besides that I give her B complex, omega, magnesium. I like to try amino acid therapy. How is your experience treating people with OCD ? Could symptoms get worse ?
Thank you.
Hi Reni,
I sincerely apologize for my delinquent reply; we are apparently still having some website issues and I just saw your comment today.
We have worked with many people with OCD using the amino acid therapy. It would be very unusual for OCD symptoms to worsen during the course of optimizing neurotransmitter function, but it is possible. Normally, as we progress towards optimized function, symptoms steadily improve.
If you are still interested in getting started, please contact us:https://naturalpathhealthcenter.com/contact-us/
I look forward to speaking with you –
Dr. Chad
I am currently on Seroquel, (supposed to be mood stabilizer too) and Klonopin to help me sleep, but wonder if I can add the NeuroReplete to these with safety to these two meds and hopefully get some help with my depression, so far other antidepressants haven’t been effective….any input on this as soon as possible would be helpful…
Thank you,
Stuart Hutchison
Santa Barbara, CA
Hi Stuart,
Thanks for the inquiry. We have not had an issue using the amino acids with any medications except MAO inhibitors and often use the amino acids in conjunction with medications designed to alter neurotransmitter status. However, I would encourage you to speak with your physician about this; if they are not familiar with the use of amino acid therapy, please contact us ASAP so we can get you the guidance necessary to optimize your neurotransmitter function.
I look forward to speaking with you –
Dr. Chad
I have tried small amounts of 5 HTP – 25 MG-with L-Tyrosine. I feel wired and hyper with it.
Maybe my body does not want it?
HI A. Stern,
While that is certainly possible, it is more likely that the balance between the 5-HTP and dopamine precursor is not correct for you. Neurotransmitter function is sometimes incredibly sensitive to the balance between the serotonin and catecholamine precursors, so I’d suggest working with your health care provider to find the right balance for you. If your health care provider can’t help you, I’d be happy to. Just give us a call and set up an initial phone consultation.
Good luck!
Dr. Chad
I was wondering why you us L-tyrosine in your products, instead of L-Dopa or Mucuna Pruriens, which I have read is a better alternative.
Thank you
Hi Jennifer – this is a great question!
We generally use L-tyrosine along with 5-HTP (and other necessary cofactors) as many times, this is sufficient to provide the balance we are looking for. If additional dopamine support is needed, we will add in L-dopa (in the form of a standardized Mucuna Pruriens extract). We will also modify the other amino acids as necessary to achieve optimal neurotransmitter function.
Hope that helps!
Dr. Chad
To give you some background, I have been diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder & Panic issues and I am on medication for that for last 8 years. I am on a SSRI medication but its not really helping me with my anxiety and panic feelings. It has helped me to some extent but I still have anxiety, fear, OCD thoughts and phobias and wanted to resolve the issues.
Will NeuroReplete help with severe anxiety, panic and phobia issues? Can I take it if I have hypertension and am on beta blockers?
– racerbiker
Hi Racerbiker,
Thanks for contacting us. Amino acid therapy may very well help you to eliminate the neurotransmitter imbalance(s) that are causing your anxiety, fear, obsessive and/or compulsive thoughts. NeuroReplete may be a part of the solution, but it is unlikely to be the only product you will need. Please contact us to set up a phone or Skype consultation so we can get you on the right track.
I look forward to speaking with you –
Dr. Chad
I am 67 years old and have been on Stelazine (Trifluoperazine) for 40 years after being in the mental hospital for 5 years in 1977-82. I take now 2.5 mg bid and have tried to come off this meds twice in the last 25 years. Once recently with a psychiatrists recommendation only to relapse with severe symptoms of depression etc. My naturopath suggested trying the Neuroreplete and the Cysreplete which I am considering. I understand that the medication I am on destroys the neurotransmitters and synapses in the body and consequently when I try to come off this I relapse because of no neurotransmitters of my own. Could these suppliments help even though I’ve been on the meds for a long, long time? Thank your your comments and consideration.
Hi Jim,
It is very likely that amino acid therapy could help you. If your physician is not well versed/trained in the therapeutic use of amino acids, I suggest you contact DBS Labs (877-476-7229) to find a provider that may be able to help guide you through this process.
Good luck!
Dr. Chad
We are considering trying Amino Acid Therapy for my husband who has had Parkinson’s for about 10 yrs. We recently heard of this approach and it sounds so promising. We are interested in hearing testimonies of those who have gotten good results for PD symptoms. Can you direct me to some testimonies? Does anyone who has PD ever get to the place where they don’t need the Amino Acids anymore or at least a lesser dose? Thank you.
Hi Brenda,
Thanks for the inquiry. We did a major overhaul on our websites over the summer and the testimonials haven’t been put back on the Parkinson’s site; they should be up again within a month or so. In the meantime, you can learn more at http://www.naturalsolutionsforparkinsonsdisease.com and http://www.amino-acid-therapy.com.
Most people with PD will need to be on some amount of amino acids ongoing, although it is very possible that a person will need less amino acid over time to maintain optimal function.
If you’d like to get started, please contact us and set up an initial consultation – I look forward to speaking with you and your husband –
Dr. Chad
Do you think neurotransmitter therapy would be helpful to a child diagnosed with Pandas and gluten sensitivity? He is around 10 years old.
Hi Tammie,
I don’t know of any research or clinical cases using amino acid therapy with PANDAS. It may be useful to help with the outcome of the PANDAS (OCD, trich, tics, etc.) but I don’t believe it would be useful to address the immune imbalances often present.
Hope that helps!
Dr. Chad
I live in Scotland and there are no Health Care providers with Amino Acid therapy knowledge. Long story short, my son has been ill from birth and is now 22yrs old. Diagnosed with Chronic fatigue syndrome at 9 yrs and then suicidal depression at 14 years. I fought for an admission at Great Ormond St Hospital London in June 2012 and we came away with an unsusual COPPER deficiency. The copper is going into the gut but it isn’t incoporating well into the Ceruloplasmin. I spent the next four years researching copper and discovered that without copper one cannot convert Dopamine to Norepineprhirne at a steady rate. Also one will be deficient in Tyrosine and L Dopa and Dopamine! I put this to the test a year ago and within 3 days of administering Mucana Prurines (L Dopa), his mood lifted and my son emerged from the darkness. It was wonderful to witness. I later found your info on % HTP etc and started trying to balance L Dopa with 5 HTP, and P5P. What we noticed was that every 5/6 weeks we needed to increase the L Dopa and after 4months, the supps seemed to stop working.
I have two questions. One is should I have been giving my son Cysteine or Methionine (a thiol) with the L Dopa, 5 HTP (I did a 10;1 ration with L Dopa and 5 HTP), P5P, Vitamin C and folate. The only supp I didn’t give was a sulfur amino acid….. is this possibly what might be the missing link here for continued relief in depression symptoms????
The 2nd questions is can you help us with testing and balancing these neurotransmitters? It is so frustrating now as we have come this far and it has been such a long journey for my son. Heartbreaking to watch. Having seen the L Dopa and 5HTP work, and knowing 100% we are at last in the right area to help relieve my son, I am desperate now to BALANCE this lot! How do we go about testing and you guys keeping us right with dosage etc/balancing?
Enormous thanks to you.
Hi Karen – thanks for contacting us; I would certainly recommend starting on 4500 mg of L-cysteine (or L-methionine or SAMe) along with 200-400 mcg of selenium. We can also help with optimizing your son’s neurotransmitter function. Please contact us to set up an initial Skype consultation: http://amino-acid-therapy.com/contact-us/
I look forward to speaking –
Dr. Chad
Hello my serotonin is 219, dopamine 140, norepinephrine 15.5, epinephrine 2.6. Functional medicine dr has me on sam-e and cortisol and stress formulas. I am not sleeping and super wired. Whenever I have take 5htp or tryptophan, melatonin my symptoms worsen. I am not feeling any better. I am going to add Matcha,ginko,ashgwanda,mucuna,and L-theanine. Would your product work? I have taken tyrosine and 5htp in the past. Help Thanks Pam I am also trying to kill Candida overgrowth that interfers with serotonin because of neurotoxins release and the liver trying to detoxify.
Hi Pamela – thanks for the comment/question. Without knowing more about your case, I cannot provide any recommendations on a viable course of action. What I can tell you is that unless you were taking a set amount of amino acids prior to urine testing, your test results will provide little useful clinical information on what dosing you may require. To learn more about this, please visit: http://amino-acid-therapy.com/neurotransmitter-testing/.
I suggest that you contact your provider and share your concerns; there is undoubtedly more that can be done. Also keep in mind that many times, the necessary changes may take time (at least 3-5 days up to several weeks) to stabilize and rebalance your system to the point where you will see a reliable improvement in your symptoms.
I hope you are feeling better very soon –
Dr. Chad
Is it necessary to take CysReplete or L-methionine along with Neuroreplete? I have the MTFHR gene and already take a methylating factors supplement.
Hi Kathy,
We have found that it is important to have not only the proper cofactors, but also a source to replenish glutathione stores in cases of neurotransmitter dysfunction. We have found the L-cysteine in the CysReplete a reliable and inexpensive source for this.
I hope this helps!
Dr Chad