Many of us think we have a “healthy” diet, but the statistics show that is likely not true. With nearly 90% of Americans not meeting the minimum requirements for vegetables, legumes or whole grains and with almost 96% of Americans over consuming solid fats, added sugars and alcohol it is highly unlikely any of us are getting all we need from the food we are eating. Add to that the fact that medications can cause serious nutritional imbalances (and the average American takes over 11 prescription medications) and you have a recipe for a health disaster.

Since even one nutritional deficiency can cause all sorts of health problems, it’s important to determine your exact nutritional needs. Now you can.

The Micronutrient Test from SpectraCell Laboratories is the most accurate and economical way to determine your nutritional status. This test requires a blood draw (so it has to be done at the clinic, via remote blood draw [we can help set this up for you]), and tests your exact nutritional needs for vitamins, minerals, many antioxidants and several amino acids that are crucial to overall long-term health.

If a blood draw is not possible or desirable, another option is the Metabolic Profile (also called an Organix Profile). This test covers many vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants. In addition, it tests for nutrients involved in energy production, detoxification, and neurotransmitter balance in addition to testing for markers of gut health. Once more, you can choose to add on a Fatty Acid Bloodspot test to determine your need for omega-3, omega-6 and other fatty acids. This test can be done in the comfort of your own home, requiring only a urine sample (and a blood stick if you choose to do the fatty acid test). We send these tests all over the country to help people determine their exact nutritional needs; they are easy to complete and provide a wealth of information.

No matter which test you choose – choose one and do it. Illness, diseases and drug side effects that result from nutritional deficiency are preventable, but only if we first figure out exactly what nutrients your body needs. These tests provide a solution to that problem, and it’s a problem worth solving!