MP900177958Here are some simple tweaks that you can make in your daily diet to move toward healthier, alkaline body chemistry.

  1. For breakfast, instead of orange juice, coffee and a bagel for breakfast, have a slice of melon or other fruit, herbal tea or a grain-based coffee substitute, and whole-grain toast.
  2. At lunch, opt for bean or vegetable soup rather than tomato soup.
  3. Add crunch and color to your salads with celery and sweet red peppers rather than tart cucumber and tomatoes. And instead of an acidic vinaigrette, prepare a dressing using tahini and soy sauce: In a medium bowl, combine 1/4 cup tahini (sesame paste), 1/4 cup water, and 2 tablespoons soy sauce, beating together with a fork. Stir in 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley, and season to taste with freshly ground black pepper.
  4. If you feel like a burger, stick to soy meats.
  5. Choose fish–it’s more alkalizing than red meat.
  6. Iced ginger tea has the pleasing bite of a cola drink without the high acidity.
  7. For a dairy fix, choose a small wedge of cheese (typically pH 5 to 6.1) over yogurt (pH 3.8 to 4.2). Yogurt with sugar-sweetened fruit may be even more acidic; once sugar is metabolized, it ends up as acid in your system.
  8. To make a less acidic fruit salad, use guava, papaya, watermelon, cantaloupe, pear, banana, figs, and dates.
  9. Raise a glass filled with a favorite beer instead of a tart wine to make a toast.
  10. Avoid acidity triggers. Food sensitivities can bring about symptoms of over-acidity. Some common culprits include wheat, dairy, nuts, and seafood. If needed, make sure and be tested for food hypersensitivities.