Increase Your Shelf Life – Get the Trans Fat out of your Diet

The media has been buzzing about the negative health impact that trans-fat (a.k.a. partially hydrogenated oils) can have on the human body. Some cities, such as New York have even gone as far as to require all restaurants to go trans-fat free. This is a very drastic...

Gluten: What You Don’t Know Might Kill You

Our post today comes from Dr. Mark Hyman.  You can view the original post here. SOMETHING YOU’RE EATING may be killing you, and you probably don’t even know it! If you eat cheeseburgers or French fries all the time or drink six sodas a day, you likely know you are...

The Link Between Diet and ADHD

We see a lot of kids with ADHD; usually the initial visit goes something like this: a frazzled parent comes into my office with an energetic and rambunctious kid (or kids) in tow. We sit and try to discuss the child’s health history while the parent tries in vain to...

Five Reasons High Fructose Corn Syrup Will Kill You

Our post today comes from Dr. Mark Hyman.  The full original post can be viewed here. The current media debate about the benefits (or lack of harm) of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in our diet misses the obvious. The average American increased their consumption of...