You Need Acid to be Alkaline

We often talk about acid-alkaline balance in the body, or body chemistry for short, and with good reason: keeping the boy at the proper pH is one of the most important metabolic functions that our bodies perform. What most people do not understand is that in order to...

Paying Off Your Sleep Debt

Everybody has been told that you need at least 8 hours of sleep, and this is TRUE for most of us to achieve optimal health. Why is eight hours important? Because it is between the seventh and eighth hour of sleep when you get almost an hour of REM sleep, the time when...

Winter Tune-Up

A $145 Value for just $45! The holidays are over, the days are getting longer and spring is right around the corner. This is the perfect time to get yourself ready for the summer! Your Winter Tune-Up will make this easy and very affordable. The Winter Tune-Up includes...